Important Contacts

  • Florida Power and Light: Use FPL's Start, Stop, Move Electric Service to schedule your electrical service to start on your move-in date.
  • Atlantic Broadband: Setup Phone, Internet, and TV Service.
  • United States Postal Service: Register your Change of Address with the Post Office.

  • How to Change the AC Filter

    Changing the AC filter should be done ONCE PER MONTH. Why? Dust, pollen, dog hair etc builds up in the air. It all goes through the AC filter. The AC filter gets dirty. If left for more than a month, it will get VERY dirty and clogs the air flow to the AC unit. It becomes BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH, bad for the healthy of your children or roommates, and ESPECIALLY bad for those who suffer from asthma or related breathing problems. A clogged AC filter causes gunk build-up on the coil, and all sorts of issues including clogged drain pipes, water leaks inside the home, and burned out motors. Tenants could potentially be held liable for those repair bills IF they were a result of not keeping the AC filter clean.

    Maintaining the Septic System

    Whether you flush it down the toilet, grind it in the garbage disposal, or pour it down the sink, shower, or bath, everything that goes down your drains ends up in your septic system. What goes down the drain affects how well your septic system works.

    Your septic system is not a trash can. An easy rule of thumb: Do not flush anything besides human waste and toilet paper. Never flush:

  • Cooking grease or oil
  • Non-flushable wipes, such as baby wipes or other wet wipes
  • Photographic solutions
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Condoms
  • Dental floss
  • Diapers
  • Cigarette butts
  • Coffee grounds
  • Cat litter
  • Paper towels
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Household chemicals like gasoline, oil, pesticides, antifreeze, and paint or paint thinners
  • Think at the sink!

    Your septic system contains a collection of living organisms that digest and treat household waste. Pouring toxins down your drain can kill these organisms and harm your septic system. Whether you are at the kitchen sink, bathtub, or utility sink:

  • Avoid chemical drain openers for a clogged drain. Instead, use boiling water or a drain snake.
  • Never pour cooking oil or grease down the drain.
  • Never pour oil-based paints, solvents, or large volumes of toxic cleaners down the drain. Even latex paint waste should be minimized.
  • Eliminate or limit the use of a garbage disposal. This will significantly reduce the amount of fats, grease, and solids that enter your septic tank and ultimately clog its drainfield.
  • Never pour grease down the drain. Pour grease into a container and dispose of it as solid waste.
  • Scrape food waste into the garbage, not down the drain.
  • Nothing that doesn’t come out of a human goes into the toilet except toilet paper.
  • Place baby wipes in the garbage.
  • Avoid long showers.
  • Report any drain issues to the landlord as soon as possible.

    Maintain your drainfield

    Your drainfield—a component of your septic system that removes contaminants from the liquid that emerges from your septic tank—is an important part of your septic system. Here are a few things you should do to maintain it:

    • Parking: Never park or drive on your drainfield.